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Showing posts from April, 2017

Entry #8. Necissities of an Introvert

For those of you that have read my first blog post, it's right here if you want to check it out, I am the standard introvert that enjoys reading, browsing through the rigorous and mean media jungle, and logging on to the game of choice daily. For me to function, I need the basic necessities of a human as well as a way to continue my introverted existence. With that being said, I need three things: books, a special line of clothing that proclaims my introvertedness, and games. Sadly, I have limited funds, and so must make do, trying to find the best deals and such. My personality and willingness to read has taken me to perhaps the best website ever created by mankind, Thriftbooks . This website allows a person to buy books for close to nothing. It promotes the buying and selling of used books so as to reduce the amount of paper consumed a year, meet demands of people who are not millionaires and yearn for that familiar flip of the page, as well as keeping everything stocked

Entry #7. Hashtags and Their Almost Meniacal Purpose

After looking about many different opinions across the web, I have come to the conclusion that hashtags have been corrupted. As can be found across multiple articles but specifically Muriel McDonalds found by way of , hash tagging began in the mid to late 2000's and has blown up in usage. This blow up has created an easier way to find information so long as the hashtag is attached, and has allowed easy organization for groups of people both large and small. It has further allowed us to connect and show topics that speak to the masses more easily than ever before. In fact, hashtags have become so fundamental to all media sites that hash tagging is now simply done in real life. This escalation of the importance of hash tagging is not unprecedented as it has been building up over a number of years; however, I believe that hash tagging has a more evil side than most of social medias' devices. Hash tags

Entry #6. Driving is Terrifying

Driving can be leisurely at the best of times and terrifying at the worst. Driving is now a daily part of peoples' lives. Since it is such a large part of daily life, there are a lot of people who drive. More people on the road make it more dangerous, especially when the laws are only loosely obeyed. I personally drive daily, and due to that I witness scary situations daily. Today, my terrifying experience took form in two grown men on bicycles who enjoyed weaving in and out of traffic laughing. Why were they not scared of a car going 40 mph or more? Who can say? All that I can say is that it was a dangerous situation in which I felt unsafe, as they should have as well. This is only one situation within the week. This is nothing to say of the things that have come to be accepted while driving. Who needs crosswalks when you can save a precious thirty seconds by running across four lanes of traffic? Why do cars have turn signals when you can just weave between lanes? Why have y

Bonus Entry. Michael Moore and His Tactics

After watching Michael Moore's documentary focusing on the failures of capitalism, Capitalism: A Love Story, I can honestly say that Michael Moore is a genius when playing off of a person's or a group of peoples' reactions without venturing further into what he shows to be the truth. The film had my jaw repeatedly dropping from each and every shift to a new point of capitalism. Starting with this his intro, Moore compares the fall of the Roman Empire with the United States, siting specifically the "behind the scenes" of the Roman Empire's downfall. This is where my irritation with Moore began. Moore's analogy between the Roman Empire and the United States was not totally unfounded. After all, America's political system, a republic, is based off the one that was found in Rome. Where Moore completely lost me with his analogy was comparing the fall of the Roman Empire with United States in its current condition. Rome fell for many reasons. A weakened Emp

Entry #5. The Value of a Degree

After reading a certain article written to drum up support for higher education my opinion about such things remains the same, there is more than one pathway to a good life. The article in question was written by Gov. Doug Ducey and is titled Why Arizona needs more college grads . The focus is to highlight the new program that Governor Ducey is proudly supporting. The focus of the program: More people with more degrees.  College is seen nowadays as a necessity. It is the beginning of adult life. It is what gets you a happy life. That is what Ducey would have you believe, and it is true that college is certainly not bad and usually helps in life after high school as it focuses certain feelings and ideas about what you want. This new program that is being unveiled aims to have everyone "working together and taking a fresh look at how we can bridge education and the economy". This article overall is very good. It offers data and other groups that have credibility. Cited easily

Entry #4. Culture Experience Through a Medium

When I have time, I enjoying watching shows like Bizarre Foods and Booze Traveler , shows that involve experiencing the culture of other places. There are an uncountable amount of cultures and each culture has its own variances that branch out into areas that we, as Americans, would find odd. Andrew Zimmerman and Jack Maxwell, respective hosts of the shows mentioned beforehand, go through the these cultures and try to experience it in the fullest fashion, whether that means dancing at a local shindig or freshly defanged cobra, that is for their hosts to decide. These shows take them all over the world. The episode I watched recently of Bizarre Foods featured Andrew Zimmerman hunting boar in Hawaii, and, after the skinning of the animal, proceeding to eat it among expert boar hunters that have been doing it for generations. In Booze Traveler, Jack Maxwell had just tried spit beer while in the Amazon. For those who have not seen the episode, spit beer is literally spit that is flavored

Entry #3. Attentive to the Purpose

After trying to write an informative essay about polyester, it has occurred to me that the argument has two side, and so long as my audience feels as though I am knowledgeable the side that I talk about more becomes the right side. This can often occurs in various arguments as only one side is highlighted in order to procure a specific effect from the audience. Today, what has become largely a joke with the now classic "fake news" is actually an issue as research, experience, and data is twisted to arrive at a specific conclusion. This is not altogether wrong, as there is and always will be two sides, at least, to an argument. It has simply made it important to know your topic. A hot topic now a days is the wage gap discrepancy between males and females. The common idea is that woman make less per the dollar than a man for the same work. This is usually advocated by radical feminists, and is usually shouted loudest in rallies. The data that shows that women are