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Showing posts from May, 2017

Entry #11. Blogging Can Be Hard

It is now the end of the semester and this blog is almost done. I hope that everyone has read and enjoyed one article at least. Blogging is a fun experience that has a lot of variance as you go from one to another. I personally like to write my blogs with a tone of levity and include entertaining pictures to help keep the read from becoming monotonous; others enjoy being much more direct and serious or have humor as a centerpiece. What I am getting at is blogs are not uniform. When writing one you have to write how you would write, forgetting learned writing habits. If you write it this way it will be much more enjoyable. Blogging was awesome. To think, that writing without any restrictions and very little direction would be enjoyable beyond the standard essay that focuses on writing in a way that forces a reader to find something. With blogging, it is completely different. There is no writing to convince someone of something. Writing is done by the individual in their style and this

Entry #10. End of the Year Dash

As most of you know, it is approaching the time of year where tests and essays disappear and beach towels and lemonade replace them. The worst part about this special time is finishing off those essay and tests. I can honestly say that I am having a lot of trouble trying to maintain a 4.0 this semester, after all why bother if a "B" gets me just as far as an "A" in the long run. This, in my position as a Senior, is referred to as Senioritis. Senioritis, defined by the well recommended Urban Dictionary , is "A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants, old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation". Like Urban Dictionary says, it is serious. A single semester can ruin a GPA in high school, and Seniori

Entry #9. Mediaception

After the media discussion that was conducted in class it has become easy to see the effect it has on the world around us. Driving down the street a person is assaulted by media of every type: billboards, T-shirts, signs, other vehicles, the stickers on those other vehicles, and so many others. It is abhorrent how much media is found by going a block down the street. It seems that if you were deaf and blind you would still know that Nike is the premier shoe brand. Media is everywhere and influences every aspect of life. I drive daily to school with the radio on, dropping of my two siblings at their school and continue on my way. The day after the social media discussion I paid attention to the ads that were harassing me in their frequency from all around. My younger brother, for example, was decked out in his favorite pair of Nike slides and socks with his Under Armor sweatshirt and hat that flashed his support for the Colorado Rockies. All forms of media. Advertisement unwitting