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Showing posts from March, 2017

Entry #2. Unheard of Science

After browsing the internet for seemingly minutes but what turns out to be hours, a person can find themselves in something that is totally unrelated to what was originally searched for. This recently happened to me as I tried to find a documentary that was recommended to me; however, I arrived at Steve Mould's youtube . His channel features many science experiments that he conducts on his show Festival Of The Spoken Nerd. Even if you aren't into science his experiments feature stunning visuals and a thorough description of what is going on that will allow a viewer to recount their amazement to anyone they need to. My favorite experiment deals with one of the original videos posted to the channel. The video, titled " Self siphoning beads ", showed metal beads initially being pulled out of a glass beaker, but the video does not end there as the beads then proceed to rise variably up and down from the point at which they started spooling out, contracting a fair a

Entry #1. The Purpose of Blogs and How They Fit on the Internet

Blogs can serve many different purposes online. For example, they can provide information upon the political situation in America or the various goings on in the life of a suburban family. Depending on the type of blog, the information can be delivered differently. Upon looking at a multitude of blogs from " The Top 50 Blogger Blogs " I have developed my own opinion on what is to be desired in a blog to accomplish its specific purpose. The first blog that I came to and felt that it accomplished its purpose in a way that was tasteful was BLDGBLOG . The blog's primary purpose is to provide information on architecture. That may not seem specific, but that is because it seems they provide information, links, and reference all things architecture. For instance, this first article, "Many Norths", focuses on infrastructure in Northern Canada and the geopolitical landscape surrounding the progressively changing landscape and the challenges that can arise from trying to

Practice Entry. Introducing My Blog and Myself

Hey fellow students and bloggers. For those of you that have yet to peruse the online introductions, I am Dylan Haftings. I am seventeen and from Manhattan, Kansas. Here at GCC, I am duo enrolled, so I spend most of my time at the college but a portion of the day must be spent at my high school. Overall, I am a pretty laid-back person who usually does all the work and has no problem helping other people out. My attitude is a reflection of my hobbies and what I enjoy doing. My favorite past time is reading, especially science fiction. Currently, I am reading the Malazan Empire series by Steven Erikson, and it is one of the better series that I have read. I am also an avid gamer, specifically RPG's; I think they're grand. Free time to do either of those things will probably be disappearing with the addition of this class to my schedule as I am sure some of you can concur with. I am taking this class and, by extension, writing this blog so I can get an English class out of the w