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Entry #1. The Purpose of Blogs and How They Fit on the Internet

Blogs can serve many different purposes online. For example, they can provide information upon the political situation in America or the various goings on in the life of a suburban family. Depending on the type of blog, the information can be delivered differently. Upon looking at a multitude of blogs from "The Top 50 Blogger Blogs" I have developed my own opinion on what is to be desired in a blog to accomplish its specific purpose.
The first blog that I came to and felt that it accomplished its purpose in a way that was tasteful was BLDGBLOG. The blog's primary purpose is to provide information on architecture. That may not seem specific, but that is because it seems they provide information, links, and reference all things architecture. For instance, this first article, "Many Norths", focuses on infrastructure in Northern Canada and the geopolitical landscape surrounding the progressively changing landscape and the challenges that can arise from trying to build in such an environment. The next article however shows multiple designs... just designs.

As can be expected from such a range of information, it could be confusing for an average joe just browsing. It is therefore safe to assume that this is geared towards an audience that is already knowledgeable about the subjects being discussed. Since I am not knowledgeable about architecture, I cannot judge the information posted. What I can say is that the colors used compliments the intellectual information posted, highlighting the logic of the articles. Also, if I were to know what I was looking for it would be easy to find it as all the categories that are covered are displayed on the side to direct to related articles. Because of these factor, I feel that this blog is very well done, and I enjoyed almost understanding its postings.
Moving on to a blog that I felt was more mediocre in nature, the Google Operating System (Unofficial news and tips about Google) was lackluster in comparison to the previous blog. The blog's focus is to provide random articles dealing with Google, the only similarity being that everything is done with Google. When navigating the blog, it can be tedious to find what you are looking for as the blog maintains the default organization that comes from starting a blog. Although anyone can understand the articles as they are instructions usually talked about step by step, in some cases in second person, none of them are truly original or give a new insight that a reader would not be able to find themselves. With that being said, the blog does do everything it advertises even if it is not done in the best way possible, and that is why I called it mediocre in nature.
Now for a blog that failed. While browsing blogs, I came to a blog that I felt could not be serious, "the shooting allens". The blog is made for friends and family but lacks any real respect for writing. I find that a blog post is more so a short essay than anything else. This blogger obviously believes otherwise. There are so many grammatical errors that I found it hard to read, and so many punctuation errors that I felt I needed a marker just to make it look semi correct on my monitor, and even more failures to capitalize that I felt everything had lost their name. This blog satisfies its purpose, to keep friends and family informed in a chronological order, but fails in so many other ways that I failed to enjoy any part of it.
Thank you for reading and do not forget to post your own experience with blogs.


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